Behind The Pictures
It was only at the age of 62, and after I had already taken tens of thousands of photos, most of which were awkward attempts to create an image that I could proudly post on social media, that I realized that I was on a journey to know myself. The journey began when my parents bought me my first camera, a Kodak Instamatic 33, when I was ten, on a travel to the UK. This journey, which over the years continues and develops with me in different and surprising directions, accompanies me through all the stations of life that I have passed through and provides me with unforgettable moments, insights into my life, and a great deal of Food for thought. The connection between me and the camera is personal and intimate. That's why when I'm out with the camera, it's just me and her without anyone else. My favorite places are the coastline. I also love nature photography and especially street photography. Those photo collections of me are a small part collected mainly from the photographs I have taken in recent years. All the pictures on this website are mine. Also, this website was designed and built by me (: